Sunday, January 25, 2009

Parsing string into XMLReader in PHP5

Problem: How to parse string result into XML parser in PHP5
Solution: Use one of several PHP5 extensions such as XMLReader

$reader = new XMLReader();

Below is the sample code that calls PTT Web Services and extracting only the price of GASOHOL


$wsdl = '';

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl);
//array('proxy_host' => "",
//'proxy_port' => 8088));

$methodName = 'CurrentOilPrice';

$params = array('Language'=>'EN');

$soapAction = '';

$objectResult = $client->__soapCall($methodName,
array('parameters' => $params), array('soapaction' => $soapAction));

// echo $objectResult->CurrentOilPriceResult;
$result = $objectResult->CurrentOilPriceResult;
$reader = new XMLReader();
$found = false;
while ($reader->read()) {
$tagName = $reader->name;
$tagValue = $reader->value;
if ($tagName == "PRODUCT" &&
$tagValue == "GASOHOL") {
$found = true;
if ($found == true && $tagName == "PRICE") {
$price = $reader->value;
echo "GASOHOL price is $price";

Then, you should get the result as shown in the below picture.

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